
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Denise Forums: YouTube Posts

Community » Groups » General Discussion » You Tube Posts

You Tube Posts

Closed for Posting

From: SleepLif
To: ALL     Posted: Jul-17 (2010) 07:08 AM (1 of 6)
I would love to know how to get some unflattering content removed from you tube,  I dont think Denise deserves this.  Can someone please assist in removing this?
Thanks so much

From: AdminRochelle

To: SleepLif     Posted: Jul-19 12:56 PM (2 of 6)
In reply to this post
Hi SleepLif,
I think you have to contact YouTube in order to do that and even then it is no easy task. Basically, I believe you need lawyers or legal reasons for removal.
If Denise hasn't been personally damaged by it then that would be why she hasn't bothered to pursue having it removed.
It is kind of you to be concerned.

From: SleepLif
To: AdminRochelle     Posted: Jul-21 08:29 AM (3 of 6)
In reply to this post
Thanks so much for taking the time to respond.
It :56 to about 1:10 part.  If we can get more people to report it they will take it down.
Let me know what you think,  maybe I'm just being overly concerned.
Thanks Again

From: AdminRochelle

To: SleepLif     Posted: Jul-21 09:13 AM (4 of 6)
In reply to this post

Hi SleepLif,
Unfortunately, this is a YouTube issue and we have absolutely no control over it.
You are welcome to contact YouTube and voice your opinion or simply not view any content you find objectionable but having it removed is another story and we have no power over that.
Again, I appreciate your concern on behalf of Denise.

From: SleepLif
To: AdminRochelle     Posted: Jul-24 07:39 AM (5 of 6)
In reply to this post
Did you see the link I provided you.

From: AdminRochelle

To: SleepLif     Posted: Jul-26 11:41 AM (6 of 6)
In reply to this post
Hello SleepLif,
As previously stated, we have no control over content on Youtube.
Please contact YouTube if you wish to express your concern over this issue.
Community » Groups » General Discussion » I've been sick so I stopped working out

I've been sick so I stopped working out

From: SleepLif
To: ALL     Posted: Aug-23 (2010) 04:12 PM (1 of 3)
Hi all,
I've been under the weather for more than a week.  I stopped working out for about a week.  I started again today but I'm not 100 %.  Am I doing the right thing?  I hate breaking the routine.  My appetite is just coming back because I was on antibiotics for 6 days straight.  Hey I lost some weight...yah...  lol.  
I'm not ready for the cardio but I did the 12 exercises todays and some target as well.  Let me know what you think about being sick and working out.  I did research the above the neck below the neck theory.  Above the neck (stuffy nose, sneezing, etc) continue to work out,   below the neck aches and pains, etc stop the routine till you are well.
Peace everyone

From: Dorrie
To: SleepLif     Posted: Aug-23 06:39 PM (2 of 3)
In reply to this post
Hello Paul!
First of all, I am sorry to hear that you have been under the weather!
Second of all, congratulations for listening to your body and doing what you felt was the right thing!  When we are not feeling well, it is best not to become over exerted.  Allow yourself time to completely heal and then move forward.  If you feel strong enough, a small workout would be fine . . . but please stop if you feel weak.  Breaking the exercise routine will be okay - you can always jump back on the band wagon once you are feeling up to it.
A cold is one thing, but if you have been ill enough that you are taking antibiotices - be careful!
Congratulations for losing some weight!
Stay focused and I trust you will be feeling better soon!
Keep us updated on your progress.
Have a restful and peaceful evening,
Today's Food For Thought: We must wake ourselves up! Or somebody else will take our place, and bear our cross, and thereby rob us of our crown.  Author: William Booth

From: AdminRochelle

To: SleepLif     Posted: Sep-03 10:23 AM (3 of 3)
In reply to this post
Hi Paul,
Congratulations on your weight loss! How much have you lost so far? Hope you are feeling better at this point.

Community » Groups » General Discussion » What kind of leotard is this??

What kind of leotard is this??

From: Geoff
To: ALL     Posted: Jul-11 (2011) 09:36 AM (1 of 46)
Hi Ladies,
Yesterday, I was looking at a Denise Austin clipfrom her Super Stomach's video on you tube and I was wondering if anyone knows what kind of leotard Denise has on? When I get my stomach flatter I woul LOVE to have a leotard like Denise has on in this video.

From: Dorrie
To: Geoff     Posted: Jul-11 05:32 PM (2 of 46)
In reply to this post
Hi Geoff,
I am not sure what style you call this that Denise is wearing in the video clip, but I seems this is an older video, so it may be difficult to find a style like this today. 
I use to have a swim suit similiar to this one she is wearing in the video.  I remember mail ordering it some years back, but can't remember from where.
Keep your eyes open - who knows you might just find one.
By the way I watch the entire video and it is a good workout, so I made a shortcut in order to try it tomorrow.
Later Gator,
Today's Food For Thought:  An ounce of conscious choice is worth a pound of good fortune. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

From: LVNtheDream
To: Geoff     Posted: Jul-11 09:25 PM (3 of 46)
In reply to this post
Love the 80's flashback - thanks, Geoff! :)

From: Geoff
To: Dorrie     Posted: Jul-12 09:51 AM (4 of 46)
In reply to this post
Thanks Dorrie!

I've been looking at leotards and swim suits but no luck, to be honest I have no idea if she has a leotard or a swim suit on.

Can you do me a favor though? When you get the video and they do the credits at the end can you see if they say what brand of clothing Denise has on?



From: Geoff
To: LVNtheDream     Posted: Jul-12 09:53 AM (5 of 46)
In reply to this post
Thanks Olivia!

I LOVE the 80's workout fashions!! However, 80's 90's or today Denise has ALWAYS had great taste in fashion!


From: Mimi Barbara
To: Dorrie     Posted: Jul-12 12:26 PM (6 of 46)
In reply to this post
Hey Dorrie,
I did that workout yesterday, and I can feel it today.  It's a great one for waist and abs, and it ain't easy, Magee.  I put that website on my favorites bar.  There are many short workouts that are great.  She does one with a small ball that's very good, but I didn't have time to check them all out.  I can do that now that I have the website.
You might try that.

From: Dorrie
To: Mimi Barbara     Posted: Jul-18 09:21 AM (7 of 46)
In reply to this post
Hi Barb,
I agree, the workout with Denise was a good one.  Her hair style is one that I remember her back in the younger days and she has always been full of energy - this workout was NO exception as she kept on ticking and never missed a beat.
I will check out more of her workouts on Youtube soon!

From: Dorrie
To: Geoff     Posted: Jul-18 12:58 PM (8 of 46)
In reply to this post
Hi Geoff,
Many times leotards and swimsuits can be used as either.  I don't think I have this particular Denise video that was on youtube, but I have several others that are of an older date so I can check the credits out for you to see if they mention the company who furnishes her clothing.  I also have several older copies of catalogs that I use to order from that may have this type of leotard - if I find any good leads, I will let you know!
Have a super day,
Today's Food For Thought:  Decisions determine destiny.- Frederick Speakman

From: Geoff
To: Dorrie     Posted: Jul-18 01:41 PM (9 of 46)
In reply to this post
Hi Dorrie,

I have a few women's swimsuits that I use for when I exercise since they look identical to leotards. I LOVE to look at the credits and see who did the outfits. If you have any old leotards I would be happy to buy them off you. Anyway, thanks for looking! If I can ask what is a Denise volunteer?


Geoff / Lady G

From: Dorrie
To: Geoff     Posted: Jul-18 06:23 PM (10 of 46)
In reply to this post
Hello Geoff,
I personally don't have any leotard outfits - although I think they are very stylish.  I am more of a tank top and shorts type of person when I work out! 
I did a google search for cut out swimwear and found a few sites out there that still offer this type of clothing - it's considered vintage!  Also you may want to do a search for "cut out dance wear or leotard." 
Venus and Flirt companies are a few places I use to mail order from that seem to have a good collection and a few front stomach cut-out outfits (several companies offer the waist cut out types, but few I found offered the front stomach cut out).  Flirt is based in CA - not sure where Venus company is located.  Victorias Secret is another company that offers this type of clothing.
A DA volunteer is a person who donates their time to help monitor the message boards, welcome new members, and helps keep the motivation and attitudes positive among other veteran members.  I have been a volunteer for some time and truly enjoy the experience as I love to encourage people to go the extra mile in order to reach their goals.  Coaching has always "been in my blood" and it also motivates me as I encourage others.
What did you do for a workout toda?.  I did Denise's Daily Dozen DVD and also took a walk.  I will be heading out early in the AM for a workout as it is to be near 100 tomorrow with heat index of over 115 - so it's going to be a steam-bath!
Talk to you later,
Today's Food For Thought:  "A firm belief in yourself is all that is needed to alter your life. No one except you alone can change your life." M. K. Soni

From: Geoff
To: Dorrie     Posted: Jul-19 09:40 AM (11 of 46)
In reply to this post
Hi Dorrie,

Thanks for the information!! I'll have to take a look today and see what they have.

Also thanks for the information about being a DA Volunteer. Can I become one? Or do I have to be on the forum for a few years?

GREAT JOB on the workouts yesterday! Yesterday, I did sparring with my mom. She has a boxing match Friday and sometimes I'll spar with her. And I also did Tracie Long Training Strength in Movement and a segment from DA 6Min Waist Trimmer's. I'm not feeling up to par today and going to see the Doctor. I'm planning to do a Margaret Richard video today. What do you have planned for today?

Stay cool in your neck of the woods! You guys can't win you eater get a blizzard or it very hot!



From: Dorrie
To: Geoff     Posted: Jul-19 05:10 PM (12 of 46)
In reply to this post
Hey Geoff,
Well, what can I say?  We "Illini" people are just tough enough to handle anything, I suppose - even this darn heat wave and extreme blizzards and cold in the winter. 
It's suppose to be 100 degrees the next two days and the heat index will reach 120!  But we will survive - after all, it's only July . . . August is usually MUCH worse with all the corn putting humidity into the air!
Hope you had a good workout today!
Today's Food For Thought: "We can either decide to be successful, or we can decide to fail - it's all depends on our self-talk.  Words to others, as well as to our inner-self are crucial in our performance in any task.  We become what we think."

From: Geoff
To: Dorrie     Posted: Jul-19 09:18 PM (13 of 46)
In reply to this post
I think anyone in the midwest and north east are tough people to deal with the harsh weather conditions!

What do you mean by corn putting humidity in the air?

No workout today I was not feeling up to par the past few days so I decided to see the doctor and I have an upper respiratory track infection. Wednesday I'm planning to do a Margaret Richard video and not push myself.

Hope things cool down!



From: Dorrie
To: Geoff     Posted: Jul-21 05:56 PM (14 of 46)
In reply to this post
Hi again Geoff,
Have you ever tried any of the DVD's that Prevention makes?  I loaned one from the library this week named:  Shortcuts to Big weight loss.  I'm so happy that I live close to a local library since I check out so many exercise type DVD's.
It's a fact that corn when it grows puts humidity into the air.  Corn and other crops send water into the atmosphere, raising humidity and even causing more severe weather and temperatures.   Remember, we are smack-dab in the middle of the "CORN BELT" of the nation!  But it will all be better by Christmas when there is a ton of snow on the ground!  LOL
Hope all is well with you!
Today's Food For Thought:  If we change our perspective, we will change our performance.

From: Geoff
To: Dorrie     Posted: Jul-22 11:22 AM (15 of 46)
In reply to this post
Hi Dorrie,

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner but my cold put me on the sidelines for a few days and was not on computer.

Thanks for the recommendations and I'll have to take a look at the prevention DVD's too!

Thanks for the lesson about the Corn belt, Learn something new everyday. To be honest I never associated IL with corn. I always associated corn with Iowa.

How are you today? Any plans for the weekend?



From: Dorrie
To: Geoff     Posted: Jul-22 12:19 PM (16 of 46)
In reply to this post
Hi Geoff!
I can tell you have never visited our wonderful state of Illinois!  It's nothing but flat land, corn and soy beans!  And of course snow and cold in the winter!  LOL!
No certain plans for the weekend except celebrating another year alive and well!  It's way to humid outside and the air seems to be THIN - I am usually one who can tolerate extreme temperatures, but the past few days have had to come inside to recover in the AC after 10 minutes exposed to the elements because I felt I could not breath and felt sick to my stomach!  It's a scary feeling.  I have not ventured to far from home on my walks and always sure to have cell phone in hand!  Can't wait for relief from this heat wave!
I trust your cold is better - it sucks to be sick - much more in the summer!
Have a cool day,

From: Geoff
To: Dorrie     Posted: Jul-24 05:49 PM (17 of 46)
In reply to this post
Hi Dorrie!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Did you do anything special??

Yeah, I've never been to IL. I was supposed to go to Chicago a few years ago to catch a Cubs game but the day before the game I lost my job at Delta so I never made it to the Cubs game.

Have you guys had a break in the heat yet? Its been bad the past few days in FL but not as bad as you guys.



From: Dorrie
To: Geoff     Posted: Jul-25 05:56 PM (18 of 46)
In reply to this post
Thank you Geoff for the Birthday wishes!  It was a fun and pleasant day.  We did not go anywhere - but did spend some time with my daughters and husband.  We grilled out and had the best sweet corn ever!  I bought a cold watermelon and believe me it was HEAVENLY!  We later watched a few movies in the air conditioning, but the day was just not long enough for me!  I love spending time with my family!
Well, you will have to try to make it to Chicago one of these days.  It's truly a nice place to visit and we go there often, but I would not want to live there.  In our younger years of marriage, my husband drove a semi and had to haul things every night to the City!  I worried about him, but he never really experienced any bad situations - except for police sleeping in their squad cars instead of paroling!  Unbelievable - and then you ask yourself why they have so much crime there!
Hope your workouts have been good!  I've been using the treadmill and will until this heat wave breaks!  We received a bit of rain on Saturday, but the humidity is moving back in now, so the relief was short-lived.
Hugs to you too,
Today's Food For Thought:  "We are what we think.  All that we are arises with our thoughts.  With our thoughts we make our world."  ~Buddha

From: Geoff
To: Dorrie     Posted: Jul-26 10:00 AM (19 of 46)
In reply to this post
Sounds like you had a GREAT weekend and birthday. So did you get any good gifts? The BBQ sounds really good. How come I didn’t get an invite??

Trust me Chicago is on my list. I need to make it to a Cubs game and have some deep dish pizza!! How far are you from the city?

Sounds like the workouts are going good. Yesterday, I took a Jazzercise class and did a Firm video and the weight is down to 166lbs. Today I'm a bit tired I had to go up to Melbourne this morning and I'm a bit tired so I'll rest a bit and workout in a while. I've been doing my walking / running but I've been doing it at night when its not as hot out.



From: Dorrie
To: Geoff     Posted: Jul-26 05:43 PM (20 of 46)
In reply to this post
Hi Geoff,
Oh  . . . I'm sorry about not inviting you to the BBQ.  You would have loved it though!  I will certainly remember you next time and maybe you can even fly into Chicago and kill two birds with one stone type of deal!  And you are really tempting me with the deep dish pizza idea!  LOL  :)
The birthday gifts were minimum this year - I guess you get to a point in your life where you have most of what you want or need.  My husband did buy my three pair of shorts that I find very comfy.  One is a bright pink color and I love them.  My daughters also bought my a fresh bouquet of flowers and a Runners book that I have had my eye on for some time.
Congratulations on hitting the 166 mark.  You have been doing so well!
Talk to you later,

From: Geoff
To: Dorrie     Posted: Jul-28 11:39 AM (21 of 46)
In reply to this post
Hey Girl,

Yeah, sure your sorry, its to late I'm still crying!! Just kidding!!

Sounds like you had a good birthday, did you have a good cake?

Any plans for workouts today? Thanks for the complements!! I hope to get under 165lbs before I go up to Washington, DC next week

Today / this morning was a bit busy doing finishing touches on my story and plus my mom called me today and I love her but sometimes think she is nuts. I got a call from her today and next week she is going to do a charity boxer verses wrestler match with a male wrestler!! I know its for a kids charity but that just seems nuts! Is it just me?? I took yesterday off but I'm going to workout in a bit.


Lady G
Community » Groups » General Discussion » Old Getting Fit Clip Circa 1989

Old Getting Fit Clip Circa 1989

From: Geoff
To: ALL     Posted: Jun-16 (2012) 06:54 PM (1 of 2)
Hi Ladies,

So the other night I was on Youtube and came across this old clip of Denise back from her Getting Fit days circa 1989 and figured I would share it
I cant believe she wore something that skimpy on TV especially her bra!!

From: Dorrie
To: Geoff     Posted: Jun-16 09:18 PM (2 of 2)
In reply to this post
Hi Geoff,

This is truly an OLD clip you found.  The workout is awesome too!

I think this may be a bikini top or halter that she is wearing! 

Hope all is well and thankyou for sharing.


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