
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

You Don't Need A Gym To Impact Your Health

Yesterday's Dallas Morning News Health Blog has an article by family physician Dr. Jane Sadler MD on five things doctors may not tell you that could have a direct effect on your health and/or your pocketbook. The first of five things she mentions is the need to exercise because it can lower the risk of heart disease and cancer. Sadler also writes that you don't have to join a gym and suggests exercise videos like Denise Austin's yoga tapes as being really great for beginners.
1.     You need to exercise. Oh, yes…you do.  I realize you can’t afford a monthly yoga class but Denise Austin has some really great beginner yoga tapes.  While the highly vigorous and physically complex P90X is not recommended for the average couch potato, many other exercise DVD options are available, you do not have to join a gym. If you prefer to walk, then WALK. Refer to my prior blog about lowering your exercise intensity. According to the American Heart Association, exercise can lower the risk for heart disease by up to 40%. There is a similar cancer reduction seen with moderate exercise. I always giggle when I hear patients repetitively tell me they have “just joined a gym” at their annual physical (what a timing coincidence).

Dr. Jane Sadler MD (August 13, 2013). "5 things doctors may not tell you". The Dallas Morning News. Retrieved August 14, 2013.
The New York Times ran a story earlier this month on how internet workout videos are giving people who are fitness-minded an alternative to gym memberships. The story goes on to mention that there is a growing popularity of fitness videos on YouTube, according to Kate Mason the YouTube spokeswoman.
YouTube, which is owned by Google, does not track the number of people viewing fitness channels, according to Kate Mason, a company spokeswoman. But she described it as “an incredibly popular segment” that appears to be growing. Between January 2008 and January of this year, the number of times “fitness” was used as a search term on YouTube doubled.

Julia Lawlor (August 8, 2013). "Jane Fonda Tapes? Not for a YouTube Generation". The New York Time. Retrieved August 14, 2013
YouTubers are great fans of Denise Austin workout videos, and it's not only for the fitness benefits. Check out Dave McKenna's article on Denise's popularity on YouTube.

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